Tuesday, July 13, 2010

3rd Email from NY

Hello Everyone,

Mondays are just as exciting for me as they are for you because I get to read email, and write letters. That's so exciting to know that I am part of the "Missionary Minute" now. I always enjoyed listening to the updates of the other missionaries in the ward, and now I am one of them. Sounds like your week was pretty busy. We had a couple of celebrations too. On July 1st, that is Canada day (or something like that) so Canada was doing a big firework show and since we are right by Canada, we could see it. It was awesome. Then on the 3rd of July, we had a BBQ with a bunch of people and ward members in someones backyard. It was way fun! I was surprised though. They don't do fireworks here in the North Country. They don't even sell them in the stores. That was a little weird to me. It is a good thing though since we go to bed so early. We didn't have try to go to sleep with fireworks in the background.

So, the members here are awesome. There is one family, The Gaines Family, who are recent converts. They just moved to Ohio! It was a sad day. They were like our family. We would go over for dinner every Saturday. Then on Sunday, we would have dinner with them at the Johnson's, and then on Tuesdays, we would go over for dinner to the Williams, but they would also be there. We would also eat lunch at their house on Thursday's usually. So we saw them a lot. They are an amazing family and we miss them already.

The Williams family is also amazing! They are also recent converts and were Baptized on Valentines Day! They are in the Mormon Times today. You should look it up. It has a little bit of their conversion story in it. Look up Mormon Times+Due West+Dave and Heather Williams. Or something like that. They are so good to us also. Every Tuesday night we go over to their place for dinner. They are moving too though. But hopefully they will be able to stay in our branch because our branch is tiny. The Branch President is also thinking about moving. We can't have any more people move because our branch is already small. We need it to grow not shrink. We are hoping that once everyone moves, we will still be able to have a branch. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

First story. So one of the members has a pitbull for a pet dog. I bet you wouldn't believe me, but her pitbull fell asleep in my lap. Yup. It was a little weird. She said that means she trusts me. I was just afraid that if I moved my body wrong, I might get attacked. But I was okay thank goodness.Even though that is a nice dog, I officially hate dogs. They bark too much and I fear for my life sometimes :c) Yesterday when we were tracting we almost got eaten like 5 times. One of the times it was a screen door. I knocked on the door and two dogs came flying at the door and the door flew open. They came out of the house and were just growling at us. It scared me half to death. I literally saw my life flash before my eyes. At another house there were also two dogs. They were pitbulls. The slammed into the door and were barking and growling like crazy. The lady yelled, " I would back away from the door if I were you!" I am glad I am still alive :c) yup. I hate dogs. I haven't been eaten yet. But I hate barking, angry dogs now and they are everywhere! I have been eaten by something else though... Are you ready for this. MOSQUITOES! They are everywhere! I think I get like 5 more bites everyday. Especially when we have to walk through weeds and long grass to get to someones door. Thank goodness for anti-itch cream.

So last week, when I said it doesn't get too hot here, I spoke too soon! It got up to 101 with a high percentage of humidity. It was insane. I have never sweat so much in my entire life. I have lost 10 whole pounds from sweating so much and walking so much! it is insane. Luckily we don't have to wear nylons :c)

Well, Goodluck to Brianna and Shelby in their Try-outs for HAIRSPRAY!!!!! I have a feeling you will both make it, especially since I won't be able to see it :c) jk. I hope you both make it and someone will have to record it for me for later!

I have not gotten your letters yet. But I am glad to hear you got mine :c) It takes a little bit longer to get to me since it has to be forwarded from the Mission Office. Hopefully they will get here soon! I am anxious to read them. Pictures may be coming soon. We just have to go get them developed. You know, you could send me pictures too. I want to see all your great adventures.

Being on a mission, I think I have a little more of a taste of being like Christ. First, the rejection. Rejection is hard and painful sometimes. Second the sorrow you feel for people that you learn to love who drop themselves as investigators. People who are so close to baptism that just ask you not to come back again. It is hard getting to know people and love them, and then being asked to never come back again. We respect their wishes. Now I have a small taste of what Christ had to deal with being rejected, and people turning away from what they knew was right. (I don't even know if I am making sense right now). But I know that there is no better place for me to be right now and no better thing for me to be doing. I look at it like this, even though I miss you all LOADS, I am away from my family for 18 MONTHS so that I can help bring families together for ETERNITY. Being away from my family for 18 months is nothing compared to eternity!

Well, my time is up :c(

I love you all,
Sister Simmons

p.s. I wouldn't mind more letters :c) jk

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