Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2nd Email from the MTC

Dear Everyone,

Wow! This week flew by! okay, so funny story for the day.So, I am sick for the first time on my mission. Don't worry, nothing too big. Just a head cold. So, because of this head cold, I have had many... I'll call them, "Blonde Missionary Moments." I will tell you just one of them. We were in a Large Group Meeting and I was so out of it! I was taking notes to try to stay awake, but I was still dozing off. I kept falling asleep. It was probably funny watching me bob my head up and down. Anyways, like I said, I was taking notes. I read my notes later and they were really sloppy, and didn't make any sense. Here is the last sentence of my notes. Let me know if you know what it means. "Every minute member less 1 minute time teaching spent is is." there you go! There is "Blonde Missionary Moment" For the week. so, could you send my my pink lemonade emergen-c please? I don't want to get sick again :c)

Okay, so exciting news. We are allowed to call home while we are at the airports! (If we have time) so, here are my travel plans. We leave on June 22. We leave from the SLC Airport at 7:10 AM. so you may get a call around 6:00am, if that's okay with you. Then we fly to chicago and have a layover. We arrive at 11:10 chicago time and leave from the airport at 12:40 chicago time. So, you may also get a call between 9:00 and 10:30ish your time... maybe. Calling home all depends on if we have time. so don't expect the phone calls, but they are a possibility. I sure hope we have time to call!

Since we are leaving on the 22nd, can you tell people not to send a letters to the MTC after the 18th. Have them send it to my Mission Home Address.

well, the MTC really is a roller coaster. There are so many ups and downs! This week has been hard, just as last week. But there have also been some very rewarding experiences.It is kinda hard being with a companion 24/7. I miss riding my bike on long bike rides by myself. I miss my alone time. The only time I get alone is in the shower or in the bathroom just like Sister Weber said. I cherish my shower time :c) but I will get used to it I think. It is nice when we are lost being lost together though. I love my companion. She is amazing!
Last tuesday Robert D. Hales came and spoke at the Devotional. It was a wonderful devotional and the spirit was so strong. He talked about the light of Christ. My favorite line he said was, "Jesus came to bring light to those who sit in darkness." then I was thinking, us as missionaries are doing the same thing.

Keep Sending letters!!!!
Sister Simmons

P.S. Thank you for the 5lbs of Gummie Bears. They have been put to good use. They are good bribery for the elders. :c) I am now sister gummie bear. My watch broke the other day and I told the elders whoever could fix it would get a whole bag of gummie bears. I didn't think it would be possible to fix, but guess what? they fixed it! It is as good as new! The miss Vickies Chips are gone too! Thanks for those. They were delicious!

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